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Universal City of Disability




Environmental acoustic study, Tailor-made acoustic solutions


City of Paris

Amount of work

€100,000,000 (excl. VAT)


Studio Montazami & Baumschlager Eberle Architekten


Construction in progress


30,000 m²


OsmoZ, R2S, BEPOS Effinergie, E+C-, BREEAM, HQE® Excellent

The Universal City of Disability was designed to represent a building complex intrinsically accessible to all people regardless of disability. This complex includes a health center, a hotel, a sports complex (with a multi-purpose sports hall and a modular training room) and offices.


The acoustic firm Tisseyre + Associés has developed a joint working methodology with the architect. Indeed, our 4D digital soundscape modeling tool in the future state of completion, the BIMAE®, is an essential work support for close collaboration with architects and urban planners at all stages of the project. The BIMAE® allows a joint study of the internal and external functions of the projects and the 3D visualization of the sound propagation at the foot, on the facade and around a building at any time of the day. By taking into account all sound sources at each hour (transport and human activities) we can anticipate, optimize and integrate acoustic solutions within urban planning in order to create coherent sound spaces with respect to needs.


Environmental acoustic study

Based on the topography, the route and the estimated attendance, the BIMAE® allowed us to model the sound impact of transport routes on buildings in the future state of completion in this heavily polluted district. In addition, for this complex being of mixed use, we have made sure to propose acoustic solutions integrated into the architecture and urban planning of the project so that each activity takes place comfortably on the one hand and to find sound balances on the one hand. 'somewhere else. Finally, the BIMAE® was particularly useful in this ambitious project in terms of accessibility since it was necessary to integrate, from the design phase, acoustic solutions and constraints. For example, in order to facilitate access to the building for blind or visually impaired people, we created a functional outdoor sound path in a polluted environment.

Leq of daytime human activities

Daytime transport noise leq with absorbent soffit and wall

Tailor-made acoustic solutions

The environmental acoustic response responds mainly to 2 constraints:

  • Outdoor human activities should not be disturbed by transport noise
  • The sound path for blind or visually impaired people should be sufficiently audible in a noisy environment.

This is why we have designed a custom-made wall and absorbent soffits to integrate them into the project and thus guarantee the feasibility of outdoor activities. In addition, for the sound path we have ensured that there is a sound differential of 10 to 12dB between the loudspeakers (very directive) and the noise of transport.

Sound path for blind or visually impaired people
