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Library of study and heritage


Toulouse (31)


Acoustic rehabilitation mission, Tailor-made acoustic solutions


City hall

Amount of work

€4,000,000 (excl. VAT)


Garbay, Tellier


Delivered in 2003


2,000 m²


Listed historic building

This library, listed as a historic building in the art deco style, was built in 1935. In 2003, it underwent a renovation to ensure that its sound environment was more conducive to reading and research.

Listed historic building


Tisseyre + Associés has 30 years of experience in 3D modeling of acoustic phenomena in rooms in operation thanks to its software: Intelligibility®. Instead of using the sound ray shooting technique which does not take into account the architectural details, we use the finite element mesh technique which allows these details to be modeled with finesse in order to fully integrate them into the acoustic performance. of the room from its conception. Based on the observation that the acoustics of a room are structuring for its architecture, we have developed a joint working methodology with the architect.


Acoustic rehabilitation mission

One of the main difficulties of the place was its large volume, producing reverberation effects (up to 5 seconds before renovation). In addition, during activity, the noise level in the room rose to 55dB, disrupting reading and research activities. Our tool for digital models of workspaces in operation, Intelligibility®, constitutes a work support allowing us to offer tailor-made solutions according to needs. These 3D models make it possible to fill in the gaps in sound measurements, which are only acoustic photographs. They thus make it possible to anticipate acoustic solutions according to uses in order to integrate them into the architecture.

Tailor-made acoustic solutions

The study and heritage library is a listed building, therefore, it was essential to offer integrated and reversible tailor-made acoustic solutions so as not to distort its architecture. Thanks to Intelligibility®, we worked directly with the architect to offer tailor-made and integrated solutions to reduce the sound level of the room in operation to 50 dB and reduce the reverberation time to 2.5 seconds:

  • Absorbent wooden agglomerates (αw = 0.7)
  • Stainless steel mesh on pilasters (αw>0.9)

Absorbent wood chipboard αw = 0.7

Stainless steel mesh on pilasters αw>0.9
